Created with 100% cotton, this paperboard is indicated for all printmaking techniques (engraving, lithography, silk-screening, xylography and linocuts).
Surface & Finishing
Environmental Features & Certifications
It is mould made, size 56×76 with all edges deckled. The watermark is fixed point and placed below right on the sheet. It reproduces the CMF trademark surmounted by a star and enclosed in a circle. In the 70×100 size the two larger sides are deckled and the watermark runs parallel to them, reproducing the inscription “C. M. FABRIANO 100% COTTON”. Tiepolo is pH neutral, assuring inalterability over the time.
Weight or thickness
130, 250 and 290 gsm
Sheets: 76x56 cm, 112x76 cm, 70x100 cm, 56x76 cm, 50x70 cm